Take some time to look over my present and oast publications.
Journal Articles
Smith AR, van Staaden MJ & Carleton KL 2011 Plasticity in the driver’s seat: a new alternative model for sensory evolution and speciation. (submitted)
Donelson N & van Staaden MJ Ecogeography of bladder grasshoppers in the Greater Cape Floristic Region: Patterns of presence and differentiation. (in revision)
Donelson N & van Staaden MJ A density-dependent polyphenism in an ancient grasshopper family: Interspecific conservation of an alternative morph. (in revision)
Smith AR, Anderson SM & van Staaden MJ Multivariate Analyses of Antennal Sensory Arrays: A Singular Solution to a Complex Problem . (in revision)
van Staaden MJ & Smith AR 2011 Cutting the Gordian knot: Complex signaling in African cichlids is more than multimodal. Current Zoology 57: 237−252 pdf
Sylvester JB, Rich CA, Loh Y-HE, van Staaden MJ, Fraser GJ & Streelman JT 2010 Brain diversity evolves via differences in patterning. Proc Nat Acad Sci 107: 9718-9723 pdf
Smith AR & van Staaden MJ The association of visual and acoustic courtship behaviors in African cichlid fishes. (2009) Marine & Freshwater Behaviour & Physiology 42: 211-216 pdf
Donelson NC, Smith AR & van Staaden MJ (2008) Variation in adult longevity in a polymorphic species. Journal of Orthopteran Research 17: 279-282 pdf
Couldridge VCK & van Staaden MJ (2006) Female Preferences for Male Calling Songs in the Bladder Grasshopper Bullacris membracioides. Behaviour 143: 1439-1456 pdf
Donelson NC & van Staaden MJ (2005) Alternate Strategies in male bladder grasshoppers Bullacris membracioides (Orthoptera: Pneumoridae). Behaviour 142: 761-778 pdf
Couldridge, V & van Staaden MJ (2004) Habitat-dependent transmission of male advertisement calls in bladder grasshoppers (Orthoptera; Pneumoridae). J Exp Biol 207: 2777-2786 pdf
van Staaden MJ, Reiser M, Ott S, MA Papst & H Römer (2003) Serial hearing organs in the atympanate grasshopper Bullacris membracioides (Orthoptera, Pneumoridae). J Comp Neurol 465(4): 579-592 pdf
van Staaden MJ & R Huber (2001) Multidisciplinary dissection of behavioral arousal: the role of muscarinic acetylcholine stimulation in grasshopper stridulatory behavior. Proc Nat Acad Sci 98: 9468-9470 pdf
van Staaden MJ & H Römer (1998) Evolutionary transition from stretch to hearing organs in ancient grasshoppers. Nature 394: 773-776 pdf
Kotrschal K, van Staaden MJ & R Huber (1998) Fish brains: evolution and environmental relationships. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 8: 373-408 pdf
van Staaden MJ (1998) Ethology: at 50 and beyond. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13: 6-8 pdf
van Staaden MJ & H Römer (1997) Sexual signalling in bladder grasshoppers: tactical design for maximizing calling range. J. Exp. Biol. 200: 2597-2608 pdf
Huber R, van Staaden MJ, Kaufman L & K Liem (1997) Microhabitat use, trophic patterns, and the evolution of brain structure in African cichlids. Brain Behav. Evol. 50: 167-182 pdf
van Staaden MJ & JK Jones Jr (1997) Comparative morphology of hair from American bats of the family Molossidae in Homenaje al profesor Ticul Álvarez. J.A. Cabrales & O.J. Polaco (eds) Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Córdoba: 373-391 pdf
van Staaden MJ, Michener GR & RK Chesser (1996) Spatial analysis of microgeographic genetic structure in Richardson's ground squirrels. Canadian J. Zool. 74: 1187-1195 pdf
van Staaden MJ, Hamilton MJ & RK Chesser (1995) Genetic variation in the woodland caribou. Z. Säugertierkunde 60: 150-158 pdf
van Staaden MJ (1995) The influence of breeding tactics and social structure on genetic variation in mammals. Acta Theriol. Suppl 3: 165-182 pdf
van Staaden MJ, Huber R, Kaufman L & K Liem (1995) Brain evolution in cichlids of the African Great Lakes: brain and body size, general patterns and evolutionary trends. Zool. Analysis of Complex Syst. 98: 165-178 pdf
van Staaden MJ, Chesser RK & GR Michener (1994) Genetic correlations and matrilineal structure in a population of Spermophilus richardsonii. J. Mamm. 75: 573-582 pdf
van Staaden MJ (1994) Suricata suricatta. Am. Soc. Mamm. Special Publ. 483: 1-8 pdf
Book Chapters
van Staaden MJ , Searcy WA, & RT Hanlon (2011) Signaling Aggression. 75: 23-49 In: Advances in Genetics (R Huber, DL Bannasch, P Brennan, eds.), Burlington: Academic Press pdf
van Staaden MJ, Römer H & V Couldridge (2004) A novel approach to hearing: the acoustic world of Pneumorid grasshoppers. Pp 261-277 In: How Simple Nervous Systems Create Complex Perceptual Worlds. (FR Prete, ed., MIT Press)
van Staaden MJ (2004) Out of Sight: Creating Extra-Visual Worlds. Pp 261-277 In: How Simple Nervous Systems Create Complex Perceptual Worlds. (FR Prete, ed., MIT Press)
Alexander AJ & van Staaden MJ (1989) Alternative sexual tactics in male bladder grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Pneumoridae). Pp 261-277 In: Alternative Life-History Styles of Animals. (M. Bruton ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers pdf