The Behavioral Scientist's Toolbox
Current genomic and proteonomic approaches are capable of yielding terrabyte quantities of data within hours. The complexity of behavioral phenotypes imposes an intrinsic upper limit to the application of high-throughput screening for biologically significant behaviors. However, technological advances in the fields of electronics, statistics, and engineering, allow us to maximize temporal and spatial resolution for automated behavioral analysis. Our current efforts focus on bridging analyses of visual media, advanced techniques of statistical inference, and robotics for creating integrated behavioral paradigms.
Functions are grouped within the JavaGrinders Class Library, developed as a general package to simplify the specialized aspects of behavioral analyses. Individual packages of the library contain implementations of routines for:
•video tracking and automated behavioral screening
•3D rendering of virtual animals and their behavior
•robotic control of relays, servomotors, animations, and sensors
•individual agent modeling and analyses of social interactions
•multivariate statistical analyses and graphing
•spatial analyses and mapping of spatially explicit data into Google Earth
Using the provided functions, complex programs can be written using a few lines of code. Java code generally depends on an extensive library of classes which help in the nuts and bolts of such processes. To help with the tasks above a framework of modular custom classes was developed and collated in the com.lobsterman.JavaGrinders library.
Applications and Applets
Why Java?
What do I need?
•Java SDK: To install java, download the full Java SE Development Kit which includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) the javac compiler etc.
•Write, Compile and Run Code: Download and install the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment
•JavaGrindersSDK: Download and extract the JavaGrindersSDK
How to cite
If you use JavaGrinders functionality please consider citing this website in your work with something like “XXX was performed using a collection of freeware programming functions for the analysis of behavioral data (available on the Internet at”
A selection of published work that utilizes functions of this library.
•Murphy KR, Park JH, Huber R, & WW Ja. in press. Simultaneous measurement of sleep and feeding in individual Drosophila, Nature Protocols.
•Murphy KR, Deshpande SA, Yurgel ME, Quinn JP, Weissbach JL, Keene AC, Dawson-Scully K, Huber R, Tomchik SM & WW Ja. 2016. Postprandial sleep mechanics in Drosophila. eLife 2016;5:e19334 <>.
•Bhimani R & R Huber. 2015. Operant avoidance learning in crayfish, Orconectes rusticus: Computational ethology and the development of an automated learning paradigm. Learning & Behavior. DOI 10.3758/s13420-015-0205-y
•Donelson N, Kim EZ, Slawson JB, Vecsey CG, Huber R & LC Griffith. 2012. High-resolution long-term tracking for analysis of Drosophila sleep and locomotion. PLoS ONE 7(5): e37250
•Potenza L & G Mancinelli. 2010. Body mass-related shift in movement behaviour in the isopod Lekanesphaera hookeri (Isopoda, Flabellifera): A laboratory study. Italian Journal of Zoology 77(3): 354–361
•Mancinelli G. 2010. Intraspecific, size-dependent variation in the movement behaviour of a brackish-water isopod: a resource-free laboratory experiment. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 2010: 1–17
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