Robert Huber
Professor of Biological Sciences (Ph.D., Texas Tech University).
Office: LSC 227
Office phone: (419) 372-7492
My laboratory investigates the behavioral significance of amines in complex behavioral phenomena such aggression and drug addiction. Using simpler systems approaches we mostly study these behaviors in invertebrates with a combination of neuroethological, pharmacological, and molecular approaches. Towards this goal I am interested in the neurochemical mechanisms underlying motivational states in behavior. Questions such as "why does an animal perform behavior A as opposed to behavior B at a specific point in time?" motivate my research program. The highly structured behavior of crayfish, which have relatively 'simple' nervous systems, allows us to explore the neural basis of motivational mechanisms at levels which are difficult to achieve in most other species, including mammals. We offer expertise in quantitative, behavioral analysis, automated behavioral screening, dynamic and self-structuring properties, neural designs and neurochemical measures.