Presentations at Meetings in 2002

  • 28th Annual East Coast Nerve Net Meeting: April 5-7, 2000 at Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA
    • Characterization of Drosophila aggression and a preliminary analysis of the effects of monoamine depletion. Selby Chen, Ann Y. Lee, Nina Bowens, Robert Huber, Edward A. Kravitz.
    • Population structure, activity patterns, and behavior of crayfish, Orconectes rusticus : a field study. Karen Davis, Robert Huber
    • Interactions of chronic serotonin treatment, aggressive behavior, and rank in crayfish hierarchies. Catherine Drerup, Robert Huber
    • The neuropharmacology of crayfish reward: place conditioning with amphetamine and cocaine. Jules B. Panksepp, Robert Huber
    • Comparative development of serotonin neurochemistry and agonistic behavior of crayfish, Orconectes rusticus. Angelica Pytel, Robert Huber
  • Animal Behavior Society Meeting:
  • Society for Neuroscience Meeting:

last updated 04/22/02