The file CichlidBrains.txt contains a number of morphologcial measures for body and brain structures in 213 cichlid species from the African Great Lake radiation. Columns are Genus, Lineage, standard length (STDL), body depth (DEP), body width (WID), head length (HDL), eye diameter (ED), brain length (BRL), olfactory nerve diameter (OND), olfactory bulb length (OBL), olfactory bulb height (OBH), telencephalon length (TELL), telencephalon height (TELH), optic tectum length (OTL), optic tectum height (OTH), hypothalamus length (HYPL), hypothalamus height (HYPH), cerebellum length (CERL), cerebellum height (CERH), vagal lobe length (VLL), vagal lobe height (VLH), telencephalon width (TELW), optic tectum width (OTW), cerebellum width (CERW), vagal lobe width (VLW), olfactory bulb width (OBW), hypothalamus width (HYPW)