Evolution (BIOL 4510/5450)
Dr. Moira van Staaden <> Tel: 372-0341
Rm 303 Life Sciences Building
Office Hours: 10:45-11:45am Tu, Th or by arrangement
Course Format (3 credits):
Lectures: Tu, Th 9:30-10:45am (Rm 113 Olscamp, and LCCC)
Course Description & Outcomes:
The goal of this course is to provide students with a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts of evolution. In achieving this, you will (1) become familiar with the major mechanisms of evolutionary change; (2) gain an appreciation of the history of life on earth; (3) learn to analyze biological data from an evolutionary perspective; and (4) understand how evolutionary theory interacts with other fields of biology; (5) gain proficiency in reading and writing scientific prose through a writing assignment.
Textbook: Publishers Companion website
Evolutionary Analysis, 5/E
Scott Freeman, University of Washington
Jon C. Herron
Your class grade will reflect performance as follows:
Assignment Points % of final grade
Exam 1 100 20%
Exam 2 100 20%
Exam 3 (Comprehensive final) 150 30%
Class activities 150 30%
Total 500 100%
Exams based on material in lecture, handouts, and the text will assess your grasp of the material and your ability to synthesize. We will have two regular exams and a comprehensive final exam. All exams will be short answer/short essay, with occasional problems, and multiple choice questions. The exam schedule is indicated below. Make-up examinations will be given only under extreme circumstances, which you should be prepared to document. You must make every effort to contact me prior to an exam you are unable to attend. There is no extra credit. Graduate students will have additional readings, an essay assignment, and are expected to demonstrate a deeper and broader understanding of the literature and concepts of evolutionary biology (A=92%).
Class activities: Discussions and class activities will comprise two phases. Initially, we will discuss the problem/papers in small groups of 5 students each. Then we will coalesce groups and continue the discussion with the class as a whole, during which groups will share ideas and concerns they had previously formulated. One student in each group will be responsible for leading the discussion/activity within the small groups. The Discussion Leader is responsible for (1) generating and directing the discussion; and (2) communicating the findings/questions of the small group to the class as a whole during the latter part of the class period. However, all group members are expected to discuss the material, actively participate in problem solving, be prepared to raise difficult or confusing aspects in the large-group discussion, and must turn in a brief written analysis within 1 week of the activity/paper.
Attendance Policy:
Attendance is required at all lectures and discussion sections. You are allowed two unexcused absences; each additional absence will lower your course grade 5%. Missed quizzes and exams can be made up only in cases of legitimate hardship (accident, illness etc), and when a signed excuse is provided by a physician or appropriate university official. Assignments and activities generally cannot be made up because they require in-class interactions.
Policy on Academic Integrity:
We follow and enforce the policies as set forward in the student handbook
Your Responsibilities:
Be punctual and participate in class and its activities.
To get the most out of this course, you must do the required readings before each class period. The chapters relevant to each lecture topic are indicated in the syllabus.
Your participation is essential for this course and the quality of your participation is a direct result of your reading the required material.
Take notes on what you do not understand, and formulate questions for class periods. Ask questions when you don’t understand—this is very important! Make use of office hours, or email me with specific areas that were unclear or that have you confused. I will cover them at the beginning of the next class.
Some exercises require group participation. For effective group learning you must must be able to voice your own opinion clearly, and listen to other people and ideas.
Contact me promptly to discuss any problems that affect your performance in class.