Port of the Think Class Library (TCL) to Codewarrior

This page is designed to help developers port their Think Pascal TCL code (original TCL version 1.1.2) to CodeWarrior Pro 4 using the CodeWarrior TCL Port package. The TCL 1.3.1. is included.

The Port

Download the CodeWarrior TCL Port V1.3: TCL131.sit

More help

Additional information on porting your TCL projects to Codewarrior are found at Pascal Central

I have written several classes as extensions to the Pascal Think Class Library. Feel free to grab them, use them, and improve them anyway you like.

There are classes that enhance the handling of dialogs, text and pict documents and (spread sheet like) table documents. These classes have been optimized for the analysis of complex behavioral data.

last modified: 2/16/05