JavaGrinders Applets


Java Applets download automatically as part of webpages and begin to execute their "untrusted" code. In this case, it makes good sense to only allow actions which pose no danger to the local environment. For security reasons, an Applet cannot access or modify files on the local computer where it is running. This requires that data are entered manually and precludes the analysis of data stored in any local files.

The capabilities provided through this initiative are available in different forms depending on your level of expertise and need for specifying options flexibly. This document introduces a set of applets which are commonly run through a webbrowser. This option is coded to represent the most common uses for this type of analysis but it is rather inflexible with respect to controlling its many options.

  1. Frequency Matrix Applet tests for the independence of two variables. This applet uses contingency tables and tests whether the occurrence of two variables is independent (e.g. whether eye color is independent of sex). Chi-square and G-Tests are performed along with Williams' correction, Goodman's Test for quasi-independence if the diagonal is missing, and a cell-wise examination of the matrix using Freeman-Tukey deviates.

  2. Transition Matrix Applet examines whether occurrences of subsequent behavior patterns are independent of previous ones.

  3. Dominance Structure Applet is used to analyze dominance relationships within a group of animals. It test for linearity of social relations or whether individuals who often perform a particular behavior also more likely to be the recipients of this behavior from others.

Rather than running these analyses from JavaGrinders webpages, you can gain direct control of the computations and can thus change a variety of options which are otherwise preset. You might for example like to increase the size of the matrix beyond the options available here. The simplest way to do this is to download an archive of HTML and compiled code files for the FrequencyMatrix and HierarchyMatrix Applets.

Download as:

  1. is a zipped folder with all necessary files. To use this, extract the content from the zip archive. Open the file "FrequencyMatrix.html" or "HierarchyMatrix.html" using a text editor, and change values of the various fields as desired (i.e. number of rows, columns, or values of individual cells). The types of parameters and their possible values are:

  2. Parameter_Name, Value, Description

  3. {"title", "string", "graph title"},

  4. {"rows", "int", "# rows"},

  5. {"columns", "int", "# columns"},

  6. {"shape", "int", "1 - full matrix, 2 - upper triangle, 3 - lower triangle"},

  7. {"diagonal", "int", "1 - with diagonal, 0 - without diagonal"},

  8. {"Cell_0_1", "double", "hardcode Value for cell at location 0 and 1"}.

  9. Change the values as desired (i.e. number of rows, columns, or values of individual cells) using a text editor

  10. You will also encounter the line:

  11. <applet archive='JavaGrindersLib_small.jar' code='JavaGrinders/Applets/FrequencyMatrixApplet.class' width='500' height='500'>

  12. or

  13. <applet archive='JavaGrindersLib_small.jar' code='JavaGrinders/Applets/HierarchyMatrixApplet.class' width='500' height='500'>

  14. which loads the respective applet from the enclosed library as long as you keep the file "JavaGrindersLib_small.jar" in the same location as the accompanying .html files. You can increase the size of the applet by providing larger values for width and height (in pixels).

  15. Save your changes for the .html file in plain text format and open the file with your favorite web browser. The browser will load and run the applet locally using your custom settings.

Applets for the Analysis of Behavioral Data