Lecture 28 - Programs for Movement (ii): Things get complicated

Required Reading : Chapter 7 - Simmons and Young

Enter stage right - Sensory Input

The central pattern generator involved in locust flight receives input from two main sensory systems which, combined, monitor the elevation and depression of the wings.

The wing hinge stretch receptor

The tegula

Other movements are also monitored - wing veins carry campaniform organs which measure forces on the wings

Integrating sensory input

The stretch receptor excites the ipsilateral depressor motor neurons. Removal of stretch receptor input causes a drop in the flight rhythm. In contrast, the tegula excites the ipsilateral elevator motor neurons. The elevator motor neurons have two phases of excitation during each wing beat - input from the tegula precedes excitatory input from thoracic interneurons.

Central pattern generator output and proprioceptor feedback loops combine to provide a flexible motor pattern that allows for correction of heading during flight. The figure above shows how a locust can use feedback about the timing of its wing beats to correct for an artificially induced change in heading.

Straighten up an' fly right (a question of steering)

The thoracic ganglia receive input from 20-30 DN neurons on either side of the brain. Often these neurons are multimodal, carrying information about changes in heading from more than one sensory system at the same time.

The tritocerebral commisure giant(TCG to its friends)

Another DN neuron: the DNC neuron(why DNC? who knows!)

This figure shows the location of the DNC neuron in the brain, with its arborisations in the 2nd and 3rd thoracic ganglia (a). (b) shows the increase in firing rate and corresponding inhibition as an artificial horizon rolls from side to side. (c) shows the effect of the DNC upon a pair of flight muscles (127), which change their relative phase difference when DNC is stimulated. This indicates the role of DNC in correcting for rolling movements during flight.

The moral of the story is...